[meteorite-list] Re: AM Meteorite Museum in Postcards

From: meteoriteplaya_at_comcast.net <meteoriteplaya_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Jun 23 14:30:21 2005
Message-ID: <062320051830.8588.42BAFFB80006BB870000218C22007503300E970E049F0A9B079D010A9B0A03_at_comcast.net>

Hi All
I recently finished a page on the American Meteorite Museum museum buildings in postcards. The page also gives a little of the history of the museum as well as some views in the exterior and interior of the museum. You will also find some postcards that were sold in the museum as well. If anyone has any other views to share send me a scan so I can add it to the page.


short link http://littlink.com/uyk8y

I am also interested in any additional information about the museum.
For some reason the enlarged pictures do not show. I'll have to figure that out later.
I have a few more postcards up of meteorites on the website also if you are interested.


Mike Jensen IMCA 4264
Jensen Meteorites
16730 E Ada PL
Aurora, CO 80017-3137
website: www.jensenmeteorites.com
Received on Thu 23 Jun 2005 02:30:16 PM PDT

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