[meteorite-list] MeteoriteTimes for May is now up.

From: Darren Garrison <cynapse_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun May 8 13:39:14 2005
Message-ID: <53ks71lvqp98b520b8nd7422vv5eu9i3n6_at_4ax.com>

On Sun, 8 May 2005 10:09:43 -0700 (PDT), Norman Smith <norm29s_at_yahoo.com> wrote:

>Very well said. Like it or not, those individuals who
>were willing to take large risks were the same people
>who paved the way for the masses to settle the West in
>the USA. Without them, we'd still all be living east
>of the Mississippi waiting for someone else to build a
>road for us.

Of course, those are the same individuals who commited genocide on the people already lving out
west, so...
Received on Sun 08 May 2005 01:47:02 PM PDT

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