[meteorite-list] Kansas Legal Debate: Creation,Evolution and Intelligent Design

From: Dave Mouat <dmouat_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu May 12 19:39:36 2005
Message-ID: <4283E80D.72BFB843_at_dri.edu>

Uh Oh
I knew this would happen. As I said to a friend who contacted me off
list, Dirk is a great guy and probably tired of some of the other
rantings in this List. I'm sure a lot of fellow Listees would say that
this is off topic. I know you are very serious about this, but there
are a lot of people who have a knee jerk reaction to this topic (and I
have a colleague from Kansas who is concerned about this). Allow me to
use the express "bait" as a euphemism for something else that engenders
this knee-jerk reaction.



drtanuki wrote:

> Dear Dave and List,
> I was, just now, watching Lou Dobbs on CNN and this
> was news to me. Dave, I don`t understand what
> D-baiting is. Historically Kansas was the center of
> the Scopes-Monkey Trial (Creationism vs. Evolution).
> An earlier thread on this list was about Transpermia
> (Panspermia).
> I am looking for intelligent debate on what should
> be taught in public schools. I was taught as a
> Christian; but as a scientist I accept Evolution, and
> I guess Intelligent Design (I personally see some
> weaknesses in Darwinian Evolution). Evolution lacks
> total evidence (proof) and explanation in its argument
> and yet is taught as scientific fact. I am looking
> for debate Not baiting as you suggest. Personally I
> do not see any conflict between the three paradigms.
> Sincerely, Dirk Ross...Tokyo
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Received on Thu 12 May 2005 07:34:37 PM PDT

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