[meteorite-list] Looking for Buried Iron-Shale with a Metal Detector

From: Paul H <bristolia_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu May 12 23:43:20 2005
Message-ID: <20050513034317.92159.qmail_at_web50609.mail.yahoo.com>

Dear list members,

If by some chance I had a hunch where I might
find some buried iron-shale, is it possible to find
highly weathered meteorite (iron-shale) with a
metal detector?

If so, what is the approximate relationship between
size of a piece of iron-shale and the maximum depth
at which it can be detected? Also, are there any
special tricks to using a metal detector to look for
buried iron-shale?

Best Regards,

Baton Rouge, LA

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Received on Thu 12 May 2005 11:43:17 PM PDT

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