[meteorite-list] Opportunity Mars Rover Stuck in Sand

From: Darren Garrison <cynapse_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue May 17 22:52:06 2005
Message-ID: <vfbl811702s6u7etaksbj19fimqcssa4r5_at_4ax.com>

On Tue, 17 May 2005 21:35:44 -0500, "Sterling K. Webb" <kelly_at_bhil.com> wrote:

> <http://makeashorterlink.com/?B38F2271B>
> Brain teaser. The nearest crater is not a crater shape (a cone), but a
>bowl-shaped depression surrounded by a nearly flat rim that is distinct from
>the surrounding terrain. Possibly it is a conical crater in the process of
>being filled in by the loose (sandy?) soil the rover was stuck in, but this is
>not a shape that drifting sand would produce (the rim).
> Also teasing my brain is the fact that the two little craters do not have
>their apparent shadows oriented in the same direction, so possibly the
>"shadow" is not an albedo feature at all. Tease.
> The fellow with the "crazy" web site that claims to have discovered
>Martian fossils plows ahead with just enough plausibility edge to bother me.
>I don't "believe" in his "fossils," as many of them are the product of the
>power of the human brain to find patterns in ANYTHING. But then, there's the

Duh. Obviously Opportunity has stumbled into the pit of a Dreaded Space Doodlebug


Received on Tue 17 May 2005 10:53:55 PM PDT

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