[meteorite-list] Prospecting for meteorites

From: Sterling K. Webb <kelly_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Nov 18 19:13:48 2005
Message-ID: <437E6E1C.7D58B995_at_bhil.com>


    For List members not familiar with the Chinguetti story,
see this web page (and following pages) which recount the story:

    Theodore Monad's paper:

    A picture of the supposed fragment:

    Google will get you 432 hits if you want more...

    Its existence is still a controversy. Oddly, the supposed fragment
is widely accepted as a "real" meteorite, while the mass from which
it was removed is not, which seems a little paradoxical.

Sterling K. Webb
bernd.pauli_at_paulinet.de wrote:

> "I dream to find a similar one, somewhere ... if anyone has a clue
> where to prospect, please share it with me, off list, other wise
> I will have to charter a 380!"
> Bonjour Michel, hello List,
> The enormous Chinguetti main mass (said to be 100 m long and 45 m high)
> in the desert of Adrar (Mauritania) is still waiting for you to go and
> get it ;-)
> Bernd
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Received on Fri 18 Nov 2005 07:13:16 PM PST

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