[meteorite-list] Prospectors, Scientists Vie for Rocks More Precious Than Gold (Meteorites)

From: Adam Hupe <raremeteorites_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Feb 27 02:46:19 2006
Message-ID: <00dd01c63b71$df6c5580$6401a8c0_at_c1720188a>

Article quoted the following:
"They wonder how many new finds they'll get access to before the space rocks
are sliced into collectible fragments and disappear into private

I think 20% or 20 grams is pretty generous. Some dealers exceed this
expectation and others don't. The ones that don't should be forced to adhere
or lose official status on their stones.

My Question:
Isn't this same thing happening with Fukang?, a rare meteorite sliced into
ever smaller pieces and put on the market. Some were falsely claiming Fukang
as being a new type of ungrouped Pallasite. Donors to the Southwest
Meteorite Center get a nice little slice of Fukang presented in acrylic if
they provide enough capitol to the organization. Why isn't Fukang being
preserved as a main mass for presentation and study?

Is something wrong with this philosophy or I am missing something here?

Received on Mon 27 Feb 2006 02:46:08 AM PST

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