[meteorite-list] meteorite-list] possible impact crater

From: Gaetan Cormier <shattercone_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue May 2 11:58:34 2006
Message-ID: <dab45f6d0605011810v2350fe2ds72ee5709e4a078d3_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hello Stefan and all...

That's a pretty neat structure, altough I don't see it mentionned anywhere
in different databases that I know about impact structures.

It would be interesting to talk to a geologist in the Nicaragua region to
see if it has been studied yet! All we need to find is some shattercones
outcrops, impactites or shocked quartz and Bingo! we have a new astrobleme!
hehe ;)


Gaetan Cormier
Shattercones etc...
Member of the Impact Field Studies Group (IFSG)

2006/4/30, Stefan Brandes <brandes_at_gmx.at>:
> Hi list,
> has anybody heard about an impact crater in Nicaragua at coordinates :
> 13?21' N / 85? 57' W
> It?s about 12km in diameter and the town of Las Praderas lies directly in
> the center.
> It?s very good to see in Google Earth.
> As far as I know it?s definitely no volcano.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> Stefan
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