[meteorite-list] Audio of Bovedy Meteorite

From: Martin Horejsi <accretiondesk_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun May 7 11:34:52 2006
Message-ID: <9c2f96d20605070834l4605afa6pfd3b094cad60e2bf_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hello Walter,

That recording is a real piece of meteorite history. While we have
video of several falls (Peekskill, Park Forest, etc.) we we don't have
many with sound. Remember that part of the Bovedy fall went through
the roof of a house as well.

Besides thanking the woman who made the recording, we have to thank
Rob E. in England who tracked down the recording and posted it on the
web from where the rest of us have borrowed it.

When I listen to the recording, I think I can hear at least 6 sonic
booms, but the latter ones might be echos. Any thoughts from the
acoustic physicists out there?

For added enjoyment, there are a couple pics of the Bovedy slice I got
from Bob Haag featured in my Accretion Desk article in the Meteorite


Bovedy is a real beauty! Extremely fresh L3 chondrites are rare.



On 5/7/06, Walter Branch <waltbranch_at_bellsouth.net> wrote:
> I can't remember if I or someone else posted this in the past (or not) but I
> was going through my list of favorite sites and found this one from the
> Montreal Planetarium. Near the bottom of the page you can hear a recoding
> of the sonic booms from the Bovedy meteorite
> http://www.planetarium.montreal.qc.ca/Information/Expo_Meteorites/Chutes/chute_00_a.htmlThesite itself is nice. If you click on the Honours link on at the bottomleftof the opening page on meteorites,http://www.planetarium.montreal.qc.ca/Information/Expo_Meteorites/index_a.htmlyou will find nice pictures and descriptions of several meteoritesincludingaudio files of the pronunciation of the meteorite, including somedifficult(at least for me) ones such as L'Aigle!Kinda neat.-Walter Branch
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Received on Sun 07 May 2006 11:34:49 AM PDT

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