[meteorite-list] Audio of Bovedy Meteorite

From: Walter Branch <waltbranch_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun May 7 05:43:43 2006
Message-ID: <00fd01c671ba$a6abf1e0$6101a8c0_at_BranchFamily>

I can't remember if I or someone else posted this in the past (or not) but I
was going through my list of favorite sites and found this one from the
Montreal Planetarium. Near the bottom of the page you can hear a recoding
of the sonic booms from the Bovedy meteorite
 http://www.planetarium.montreal.qc.ca/Information/Expo_Meteorites/Chutes/chute_00_a.htmlThesite itself is nice. If you click on the Honours link on at the bottomleftof the opening page on meteorites,http://www.planetarium.montreal.qc.ca/Information/Expo_Meteorites/index_a.htmlyou will find nice pictures and descriptions of several meteoritesincludingaudio files of the pronunciation of the meteorite, including somedifficult(at least for me) ones such as L'Aigle!Kinda neat.-Walter Branch
Received on Sun 07 May 2006 05:42:35 AM PDT

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