[meteorite-list] AD: 27.7g Lunar NEA001???

From: Martin Horejsi <accretiondesk_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon May 8 19:45:04 2006
Message-ID: <9c2f96d20605081645taa6f822t2518726b8d3b1ae0_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hello Elton,

I guess that since the 001 name is the first, these articles will
answer your question:





On 5/8/06, Elton Jones <jonee_at_epix.net> wrote:
> cp wrote:
> > Hello, I have a HUGE polished end-cut of NEA 001, an anorthositic
> > regolith breccia (27.7g), for sale. Please email me off-list if you
> > are interested (photos, pricing, etc. available upone request). Thank
> > you for your time. Marshall
> I admit to sleeping through some of these post but when did North East
> Africa (NEA) come on to the scene as a recognized concentration area
> getting its own Numbering system? Or is this the new name for Omaniee
> or Lyberian material now that the borders are closed to collectors?
> Not slamming Marshal here just curious as to when this came about.
> Elton
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Received on Mon 08 May 2006 07:45:01 PM PDT

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