[meteorite-list] One serious question for this list.

From: Howard Steffic <bencubbin_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue May 16 17:01:59 2006
Message-ID: <BAY120-F2562ED7D41E050B74AD89DB7A00_at_phx.gbl>

There is nothing to argue about on a new Lunar. But, give ua an over-hyped
crappy H5 or LL3 and there is plenty to argue about.


>----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Farmer"
>To: <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>
>Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 4:55 PM
>Subject: [meteorite-list] One serious question for this list.
>>I have noted something serious about this list lately.
>>Why is it that any little controversy or argument can generate endless
>>from so many members of this list, yet exciting news can often generate
>>I announced a brand new LUNAR meteorite yesterday, a bit of news that only
>>or 4 years ago would have meant newspaper and magazine articles. It is
>>the 40th Lunar meteorite known. I got some private congratulation emails,
>>and sold the pieces, but virtually nothing on the list. I am curious why
>>announcements of some crappy H5 or LL3 or this and than can often generate
>>30 or 40 replies, but new moon rocks seem to be totally without interest.
>>Has this list fallen so far that news like new moon rocks is meaningless?
>>Is it time to put this list to bed and start something new?
>>Enquiring minds want to know.
>>Michael Farmer
>>Meteorite-list mailing list

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Received on Tue 16 May 2006 05:01:56 PM PDT

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