[meteorite-list] One serious question for the list.

From: Ruben Garcia <meteoritemall_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue May 16 17:42:42 2006
Message-ID: <20060516214239.39248.qmail_at_web32515.mail.mud.yahoo.com>

Mike and List,
Many on this list seem to overlook the amazing
accomplishments of some, but it doesn't only apply to
Lunar finds.

Not long ago Mike Miller announced he had found yet
another breath-taking 4 kilo Glorieta. With the
exception one or two emails it went virtually
unmentioned on the list.

Just a few weeks before that Sonny Clary announced
that he and Rob Reisener discovered 7 new meteorites
in the Nevada desert within the last year.....Nothing!
They also discovered not one, but two new strewn
fields in California........ STILL NOTHING!

However, mention whether or not Steve Arnold (Chicago)
Has permission to from his better half to continue
collecting meteorites and watch the emails pour in.


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Received on Tue 16 May 2006 05:42:39 PM PDT

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