[meteorite-list] NWA 011 Pairing photo

From: Metorman46_at_aol.com <Metorman46_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed May 17 12:05:01 2006
Message-ID: <421.1510867.319ca3a5_at_aol.com>

  A beautiful meteorite,Thanks for sharing the great photo.And i agree with
rob about our having the priviledge to interact with the top meteorite
hunters.researchers,collectors and dealers on this planet.I personally enjoy
hearing about yours and other peoples finds and adventures.we probably do get a
little complacent over time towards such things because we know the specimens
are out of our reach sometimes ( finances i mean ) and the new strewnfield are
not accessible to us because of distance or trespassing laws.So,please bear
with us,we'll get over it.
Good luck and keep them coming;Herman.
Received on Wed 17 May 2006 12:04:53 PM PDT

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