[meteorite-list] Norwegian Event

From: Michael Mazur <mjmazur_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 22:34:50 +0200
Message-ID: <cbdefd770705271334p6d314464pac57055157807c97_at_mail.gmail.com>

I've been doing a bit more work on the May 17th event and here's what I've
got so far.

1. It was a pretty big event. There were quite a number of witness who both
saw it and heard it. Houses shook on either side of the Norway-Sweden
border. A reasonably accurate time (7:12pm) of the fireball is available
from a reliable observer
2. A woman was making a video recording at the time of the event. An audio
clip of the boom can be heard here,
http://hygga.com/astro/media/May17_Norway_Boom.wav I've filtered and
amplified it so it's easier to hear. The arrival time of the sound is known
to within a couple of seconds.
3. A nearby seismic station in Sweden shows the event with the arrival time
known quite precisely.
4. A further seismic station possibly shows the event but it is a bit weaker
so the time is less obvious.
5. Although Norwegians may be crazy about Death Metal music, it's not until
you cross the Swedish border that things get a bit weird. The number of
tatoos increases at about the same rate as the number of old Volvos in the
driveways. And, a poster for a local car meet had more pictures of hotrodded
Volvos (4) than the number of scantily clad hostesses (2). Strange place...
But beautiful countryside.

In theory, there is enough data available to get an idea of the burst
location but it may be a futile exercise since little is known about the
velocity of the object. I'd have to say that this area is as equally crappy
to search as Moss and Northern Norway. The trees are thick and the lakes are
plentiful. If meteorites made it to the ground, they will be a challenge to
recover. With any luck, one will have landed on a choptop, lowriding Volvo
740 making the recovery easier.


Michael Mazur
Vigdelsvegen 523
4054 Tjelta
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