[meteorite-list] Looking for rocks

From: Floyd <griff6495_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 27 May 2007 16:02:08 -0600
Message-ID: <001a01c7a0aa$ae811c90$0200a8c0_at_griffsterg>

Hello and good day from sunny Colorado.

I will be traveling from the Denver area through New Mexico, Arizona, Southern Calif. to a point about 40 miles south of Tijuana.
I will be looking for meteorites on my way back.
I have search Franconia and Glorieta but that's about it.

Does anybody have any experience you would be willing to share on:
Glorieta, NM
Wagonmound, NM
Portales Valley, NM
Halbrook, AZ
Franconia, AZ
Canyon Diablo, AZ
Gold Basin, AZ

What I am looking for is where to search in these areas.
Please help.

Thanks and best to all,

Floyd "Griff" Griffith
Parker, Colorado
IMCA 2510
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