[meteorite-list] March 4 RSPOD Oriented (sic) 32kg stone

From: Don Rawlings <psc2410xi_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2008 04:42:05 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <169884.40593.qm_at_web59301.mail.re1.yahoo.com>

Not only is it not oriented. The RSPOD has a
responsibility to "edit" questionable descriptions not
that it has become good reference point for
collectors, new and old.

My vote is to change the description.


--- Mr EMan <mstreman53 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Ok would someone that believes this is an accurate
> caption please
> defend it.
> "Sean Northover, a student at Kennesaw Mountain
> High School,
> confirming the weight of a fresh, ">>>ORIENTED<<<"
> 32.6 kg
> chondrite"???
> <http://www.rocksfromspace.org/March_4_2008.html>
> This is too early
> for April 1st.
> To let bad and really bad psuedoscience take over
> all we had to do was
> continue being silent on dubious claims. Now every
> other meteorite we
> see is "oriented". We know this is the truth
> because any new commer,
> meteorite owner, is magically, over night, an
> "expert" at identifying
> and describing meteorite surface features.
> If anyone wishes to declare a meteorite "oriented"--
> anyone may do so
> without a pittance of proof and no one on this list
> will ever object.
> Because we refuse to define "oriented".
> Ergo, I have a perfect sphere meteorite that fell
> from my table to the
> floor and under the imagination that makes EVERY
> single meteorite
> "oriented" I can proclaim that my sphere is oriented
> having traveled
> through the atmosphere. Given the wide latitude
> used in claiming
> orientation no one can disprove that I am not
> correct.
> (OH YEAH and it has perfect fusion crust because
> its drop was extended
> for several seconds over a candle flame before
> reaching the floor).
> I can proclaim it as a fully oriented, fully fusion
> crusted,
> sphere-shaped "fall" and under the unfettered
> latitude we allow amongst
> meteorite collectors no one can prove my description
> wrong.
> So is this a hobby or a study of science?
> Continually Baffled,
> Elton
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Don Rawlings

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Received on Tue 04 Mar 2008 07:42:05 AM PST

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