[meteorite-list] nut bag reporting award Wisconsin

From: Dennis Miller <astroroks_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 11:05:17 -0500
Message-ID: <COL113-W576BC2782FA1368A94F7AB1080_at_phx.gbl>

Good Morning All! True, Livingston is a little known town in Wisconsin,
but is very rich in history. The town was founded by F.Hugh Livingston,
my wife's Great Great Grandfather. His linage includes Sam Livingston,
founder of Calgary, Canada and Dr. David Livingston, explorer of Africa.
If you are a Livingston or a Watson, I have the family tree back to
John Livingston, born 1754. So, needless to say, my wife and I would
love to see the new fall named "Livingston". If would be easier for
me to justify buying a sample too. :-)
Good Luck All.. Travel Safely
Dennis Miller

> From: searchingforfun at sbcglobal.net
> To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
> Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 01:06:33 -0500
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] nut bag reporting award Wisconsin
> Mineral Point is the largest town East of Livingston and a big town for
> tourists to visit and stay in for surrounding tourist attractions. They used
> it basically in the article since most people in Wisconsin, nor in Illinois,
> nor Iowa have any idea where Livingston is since it only has 697 people or
> so and certainly no one in the rest of the US or outside the US have ever
> heard of Livingston, Wisconsin. I have friends that I visited in Iowa
> county, the county where Mineral Pt. is, for 15 years and never heard of
> it, but have been through Mineral Point.
> I could tell you were Alice Springs is at in Australia and Mt. Fuji is in
> Japan and where the Seychelles and The Maldives are, but no idea where
> Livingston is if I hadn't heard of it since April 14th.
> Livingston and the surrounding area is a spot on the road if you ask the
> guys that are out there. They go up to Dodgeville to get gas even. The
> article used it as a reference point since that entire Southwest corner of
> Wisconsin is mostly farmland, grazing and some woods. The specimen the man
> is holding looks exactly like all the other specimens that have been found
> this past week, about 2 dozen, roughly. Madison WI is the largest town in
> the area where the University of Wisconsin is, the largest university in the
> area. Racine, Wisconsin is a smaller city along Lake Michigan just south of
> Milwaukee. It could be worth a couple of thousand USDs depending on how much
> is found and the demand for this meteorite.
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Received on Thu 22 Apr 2010 12:05:17 PM PDT

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