[meteorite-list] {MPML} 2010 AL30: Bright (14th mag) newly-discovered close approaching object

From: Jason Utas <meteoritekid_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 10:05:32 -0800
Message-ID: <93aaac891001121005m14bfe63ax3c0220fba4af2417_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hello Richard, All,
60 feet or meters - either way you're getting a crater unless you get
a spectacular strewnfield for some reason (I'm thinking on a
Gibeon-ish scale, which we all know is unique). 60 meters would
likely be larger than the Canyon Diablo impact, depending on the
impactor's composition and velocity, and you wouldn't want to be
within a hundred miles of that one - if you value your general health
and eardrums. A 60 foot impactor, on the other hand - well, again, it
depends on its size and composition. Some size estimates for the
Meteor Crater impactor run as low as 80 feet.
- So you probably don't want to be close enough to see it. The
shockwave at "a few 10s of kilometers" would be devastating.



On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 9:32 AM, Richard Kowalski
<kowalski at lpl.arizona.edu> wrote:
> Richard Kowalski wrote:
>> Bill,
>> I know of a large number of meteorite hunters and collectors that would be
>> rushing towards the impact zone for an object this size and smaller.
>> I'm not sure how close I'd want to be to a 60 meter...
> Sorry I meant 60 foot
> Richard
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Received on Tue 12 Jan 2010 01:05:32 PM PST

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