[meteorite-list] Professor Colin Pillinger lecture - Stones from the sky

From: Walter Branch <waltbranch_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 15:52:11 -0500
Message-ID: <8C35FE75E12D4034AA252B25D0CD5FDF_at_Acer>

Dr. Pillinger is mentioned a few times in Kathy Sawyer's book, The Rock From
Mars: A detective story on two planets.

(BTW, I highly recommend Sawyers book for anyone interestrd in ALH94001
and/or mars meteorites).

A humerous example. Dr. Everette Gibson wanted inependent confirmation of
the isotopic analysis of ALH 84001 so he contacted Pillinger.

"Colin, have you analyzed eight-four-double-oh-one for it's carbonates?"
"No we have not, it's in our queue."
"I'd rather not tell you our numbers, but I'd like for you to, if you would,
move it forward."

Ten days later,?Gibson got the phone call back from England. Neither party
wanted to divulge first. Gibson thought the Alphonse-and-Gaston routine was
kind of funny. "What did you get?" "Well, what did you get?" Eventually
they told each other their numbers.

The numbers were identical.

-Walter Branch
Received on Sun 12 Feb 2012 03:52:11 PM PST

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