[meteorite-list] Traveling at Cosmic Velocity - Bernd Pauli

From: Bernd V. Pauli <bernd.pauli_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 16:51:19 +0000
Message-ID: <DIIE.0000005A000066DB_at_10.0.100.101>

> Follow Bernd's dizzying flight among the stars in this animation
> http://sajri.astronomy.cz/asteroidgroups/hildaorb.gif

Hello Kevin and List,

I surely hope you don?t feel too dizzy after following Bernd's dizzying
flight among the stars ;-) Well, I really feel inclined to thank my friend
Kevin for mentioning my additional interest in 'Egyptology'. As a matter
of fact, there are more books about Pharaonic Egypt on my book shelves
than about meteorites.

Thank you Kevin, thank you List!

P.S.: Not only am I now sailing along in the jocund company of Richard
Norton, Dorothy Norton, Jim Kriegh, and Geoff Notkin but also alongside
asteroids 92297 Monrad (2000 EL156) and 97637 Blennert (2000 EQ156).

Over the years both Twink and John have done a lot to pave the way
for this honor to now be a member of the "Honorary Asteroid Society".

Thank you, Twink and John!
Received on Wed 31 Jul 2013 12:51:19 PM PDT

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