[meteorite-list] Southern California Meteorite & Tektite Club Meeting Photos

From: Pict <pict_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 07:34:28 +0500
Message-ID: <CE53290D.1E0F5%pict_at_pict.co.uk>

4th row down. Ruben Garcia? Was there a spot of body swapping going on!?


On 09/09/2013 06:58, "Michael Blood" <mlblood at cox.net> wrote:

>Hi Al!?
> Thought some of you might get a kick out of seeing some photos I
>took at August get together.
> Inspired by the Tektite Club originally formed by Paul Harris &
>Tobin lo these many years ago after they purchased the entire Futrell
>Tektite collection, the Southern California Meteorite
>& Tektite Club is now
>hosted by Bob & Moni Verish. We have been meeting yearly, but Bob is
>making it a twice a year gathering. Small and intimate, people
>bring meteorites to share and enjoy, along
>with one another's company.
> This year Jason brought a humongus whole stone lunar (with a
>"window" from the sample donated to the adentifying institution). Very
>Cool to hold a piece of the moon that large.
> Here are some photos:
>P.S: If the person who took the time delayed photo of EVERYONE
>Were to allow me to post it, that would be a hoot - even better if
>They knew everyone's name in the photo. If you are ok with that,
>Please send JPG to me ASAP off list.
> Best to all,
> Michael
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Received on Sun 08 Sep 2013 10:34:28 PM PDT

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