[meteorite-list] meteoriteblog.com anyone game?

From: David Freeman <dfreeman_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Feb 21 10:06:44 2005
Message-ID: <4219F947.9000109_at_fascination.com>

Dear Dirk;
Why plant what so abundantly grows here?
Dave F. blobber

drtanuki wrote:

>Dear List,
> Is anyone interested in creating a Blog for
>meteorites where rumor, lies, cheats, disinformation,
>fact, fiction, humor (Proud Tom), theives of
>meteorites, etc could be discussed? I do not have the
>time nor skills to create such a site. If anyone
>decides to use this idea, please list me as the seed
>for this idea. Thank you. Sincerely, Dirk Ross....Tokyo
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>Meteorite-list mailing list
Received on Mon 21 Feb 2005 10:07:51 AM PST

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