AW: [meteorite-list] Re: 13.5 kg lunar

From: Darren Garrison <>
Date: Sat May 14 19:35:19 2005
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, 15 May 2005 01:16:16 +0200, "" <> wrote:

>Nothing is forever, this include Lunar prices. When deserts will be empty,
>and no new lunars, Your DaG 400 will be worth again 25k, in next 20 years
>maybe :)))

Or maybe 20 years from now some aspiring country (but probably not the United States) will have set
up a lunar colony and will be selling lunar material back on Earth for only a few tens of dollars a
gram (or so).
Received on Sat 14 May 2005 07:45:51 PM PDT

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