[meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum format?

From: Bob Loeffler <bobl_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 21:58:08 -0700
Message-ID: <20080223045649.EA579105AE_at_mailwash5.pair.com>

I also belong to a couple forums. They are nice for some reasons, but not
great for others. Most of those have been mentioned already.

One thing that I really like about e-mail lists is that I can click on one
or two buttons in my e-mail application (Outlook) and go through all of the
messages easily. The Delete button gets used half of the time; the "next"
button gets used the other half (which means I want to keep the e-mail).
That is very simple. Most forums have multiple sections, so you have to
click on different links or buttons to switch between the sections, then
click on a topic, and then scroll down through it. At the bottom of the
topic thread, some forum software will allow you to go to the next topic,
but others don't. Some allow you to go to the next section; others do not.
Navigation in e-mail is so much easier.

In e-mail, I can sort my Inbox by subject, select multiple e-mails with that
subject and delete them (or move them to a specific folder if I want to keep
them). You can't do that on a forum. Sometimes the "already read"
automatic feature in all forums don't work correctly (especially if you
click on your web browser's Back button to go back to the section's topic
index), so after you have read a topic in a forum/section, it doesn't get
marked as read and the next time you go in there (maybe a few days or a week
later), you mistakenly re-read a topic that you've already read, even if no
new messages are posted in it. That doesn't happen in e-mail with a good
e-mail application.

As others have said, most forums allow pictures and that is nice.

Forums are also more like a community because you are able to see a forum
member's profile or their avatar (a small personalized picture) like David
mentioned. But, when you have that community feeling, you tend to get a lot
of one-line replies like "Yeah, me too" or "Great job" or "Congrats on
finding that meteorite". I like to "hear" that sometimes, and I even say it
sometimes, but sometimes I'm too busy to wade through 20 of those to get to
the next meaningful post in the topic thread. On an e-mail list such as
this one, we don't seem to get nearly as many of those.

Sometimes having different sections in a forum are good if the forum is very
broad and the sections are very specific. But people often post to the
wrong forum section so you won't be able to find the messages that you are
looking for (unless you search through all of the sections). You don't have
to worry about this with e-mail. It all comes in to one place and it's very
easy to search.

I know we aren't voting, but if we were, I would strongly vote to keep this
list as it is. Anyone who would rather have the forum functionality, they
are free to join those other forums. I have joined other forums and other
lists specifically so I can get all of the information possible. I think
that is the best way to do it, but you have to know what to expect in forums
vs. e-mail lists or you might go crazy. :-)



-----Original Message-----
From: meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-bounces at meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Jerry
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 2:52 PM
To: Notkin; Meteorite List
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an onlineforum

I guess that sums up my sentiments as well! I must agree with Geoff even
though I do belong to some forums. But I like instant gratification whether
positive or negative and I seem to get that here. Also the knowledge base
here is more apparent to me. Not that forums lack informed participants but
I can't seem to relate personally to them as readily as here. After all,
this is up automatically every time I open email. If that's lazy then I
confess sloth.
Jerry Flaherty
----- Original Message -----
From: "Notkin" <geoking at notkin.net>
To: "Meteorite List" <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 1:51 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] What doesn't this list use an online forum

> Dear Listees:
> I find it bizarre and somewhat annoying that every so often someone joins
> the M-List and then tries to change it. "Why isn't it this way or that
> way?" you ask.
> The M-List, along with "Meteorite Times," are the cornerstones of the
> international meteorite collecting community and the List works great just

> the way it is. If you don't want to read the "as it happens" news,
> subscribe to the daily digest. Very easy.
> The List has been around for 11 (?) years. I've been a member for more
> than ten, and I also run a large international fossil discussion group --

> The Paleolist -- which employs exactly the same excellent Mailman software

> which Art Jones uses to run the M-List. In fact, I modelled the Paleolist
> after the M-List in some respects (thank you Art), because it does work so

> very well.
> I've also been a web professional for more than ten years and in my
> experience, forums are difficult and inefficient to use, have security and

> reliability issues, and -- please! -- the suggestion about moving to Yahoo

> Groups? That is the WORST available discussion format --
> loaded with cheap ads and with Yahoo's tacky, antiquated and
> user-unfriendly features slapped on top.
> The M-List is the biggest and best meteorite discussion group out there,
> and I'm quite sure it always will be. Love it or leave it : )
> Respectfully,
> Geoff N.
> www.aerolite.org
> www.campometeorites.com
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Received on Fri 22 Feb 2008 11:58:08 PM PST

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