[meteorite-list] I thought of an idea on how to get around the price increase on eBay on some items

From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 13:37:35 -0400
Message-ID: <e51421551003291037p5b4dae14n5a6961b1f76e2734_at_mail.gmail.com>

On further thought, allow me to clarify, so I am not misconstrued.

I do not advocate cheating eBay out of money or stealing for them. I
did not bring up that idea and I do not condone it.

I joined eBay back in 1999 and the atmosphere was entirely different
and more positive then. You never heard a bad thing about eBay from
the sellers and you only heard an occasional buyer horror story who
got taken by a scammer, but never anything against eBay itself.

In the years since then, eBay has slowly changed it's profit model and
it's way of doing business. I am not going to argue that eBay can do
that - it's their right to legally do whatever they want to do. It's
their sandbox, we play in it for a fee.

I have never relied on eBay for sales (for meteorites). I don't try
to compete with other eBay sellers. I have a stand-alone website and
that does what it needs to do without any outside help from eBay. I'm
not rolling money and I am not in this for profit. I have a couple of
other "big" dealers tell me this - if you want to make a million
dollars in meteorites, start out with five million.

I poke fun at eBay and I poke fun at the people who gnash their teeth
over the continually increasing fees, but I can honestly care less
what eBay does - it ran me off as a seller long ago, when the store
system started and eBay turned into an outlet mall for major
retailers. I still buy stuff there because eBay has coddled it's
buyers to the detriment of it's sellers. If I was an eBay seller with
a store and hundreds of listings - I'd seriously consider getting off
eBay and using a stand-alone ecommerce website.

For Gary - if you don't like my "coupon sales", then don't use them.
Or better yet, block my email address so you don't even like to look
at them. Your disdain for me is obvious (justified or not), so just
block me and be done with it.

Best regards,


On 3/29/10, Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritemike at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Gary,
> How long have you been an eBay member?
> Best regards,
> MikeG
> On 3/29/10, Gary Chase <garychase at live.com> wrote:
>> Or set up a facebook account. Friend everyone in sight. Then spam with
>> sales on a daily basis. Coupon here and Coupon there. I can not wait
>> until
>> the coupon code is "bottomfeeder". That will make my day.
>> Gary
>>> Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 09:09:42 -0400
>>> From: meteoritemike at gmail.com
>>> To: photophlow at yahoo.com
>>> CC: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] I thought of an idea on how to get around
>>> the price increase on eBay on some items
>>> Hi Shawn and List,
>>> Or jettison eBay as the obsolete profit-mongers they are and each
>>> seller set up their own ecommerce store and keep all of their own
>>> profits. ;)
>>> Best regards,
>>> MikeG
>>> On 3/29/10, Shawn Alan <photophlow at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello List
>>>> I have seen this done before on eBay with items I have bought. The
>>>> seller
>>>> would offer the item at buy it now for $2 and the shipping would be 15.
>>>> Now
>>>> if your a seller and offering an item that isn't that much I could see
>>>> the
>>>> seller charging $15 to $40 for shipping and handling/packaging quote un
>>>> quote, if they know the item will go for that rate at buy it now or 5
>>>> day
>>>> auction bid, where it would only go for $2 to $5 at closing, which the
>>>> seller would only be charged for the closing cost and not the shipping
>>>> and
>>>> handling cost (that was a long run on sentence). I guess its worth a
>>>> try
>>>> on
>>>> certain items that sell for a fixed rate.
>>>> Just a thought
>>>> Shawn Alan
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Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites
Received on Mon 29 Mar 2010 01:37:35 PM PDT

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