[meteorite-list] Need some help - problem with Joe Kerchner

From: Mirko Graul <m_graul_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2012 22:59:03 +0100 (BST)
Message-ID: <1348437543.94255.YahooMailNeo_at_web171603.mail.ir2.yahoo.com>

Dear List Members,

I need help.
Does anyone have contact with Joe Kerchner from Mendota?
I'm waiting now 5 months on my package.
A month after my payment yet he replied to my e-mails.
He had too much to do and little time for anything else.
He apologized and wanted to send the parcel?onemonth later.
Now 3 months later I still have not received my parcel.
To all my E-Mails I get no answer.
Does anyone here have made ??such a bad experience with this person?
Who can contact Joe Kerchner?

Best regards and thanks for this help,


Mirko Graul Meteorite
16321 Bernau

Phone: 0049-1724105015
E-Mail: m_graul at yahoo.de
WEB: www.meteorite-mirko.de

Member of The Meteoritical Society
(International Society for Meteoritics and Planetery Science)

IMCA-Member: 2113
(International Meteorite Collectors Association)
Received on Sun 23 Sep 2012 05:59:03 PM PDT

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