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Re: The Fight for Truth, Justice & the American Way

Hello Steve, Ron and list,

Before we start another day of vituperative  vitriol,  let me say to you
both,  "Knock it off."  (For those international members, this is not a
dirty expression.)

One general statement:   Reflection  not only pertains to light,  but
also illuminates the shadows of  the dark side of human tendencies.   It
reflects poorly on the  integrity of  all those who would project their
own motives into what may have been a sincere, honest effort embracing,
perhaps an idealistic goal, but one never knows.

 It is also an interesting, though gruesome comment on this century.  At
the beginning of it, gentlemen would not have behaved in this
fashion,     'benefit of the doubt' would have been applied to motive.
There may have been debates and outbursts of anger, retracted later, but
nothing of the prolonged intensity of this vitreous malice.  So it is
also a comment on electronic mail, which allows our thoughts to burst
onto the screen and all over the world without showing our face.  It is
the anonymity of the medium that has allowed this to continue.

Were we all  in the same room, we  would not  completely abandon our
civility.  I find this medium leaves too much room for
misinterpretation, as communication, unless perfectly authored and
painstakingly deliberated upon,  tends to rely on  intonation, gestures,
body language, etc.   Some day  soon we will all have video cam
hook-ups.   Perhaps this will alleviate this kind of situation.

P.S.  The American way gives us the freedom to embarrass ourselves.  I
often avail myself of this particular aspect.  I just didn't think
anyone else was stupid enough to do so.   One never knows.